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Le farcon at Tania

At the heart of the Three Valleys, nestling in the La Tania forest, lies Le Far�on with an invitation to explore....

Le farcon



At the heart of the Three Valleys, nestling in the La Tania forest, lies Le Far�on with an invitation to explore. A voyage into the past, using the high quality local produce from the Savoie with originality and refinement. The culinary skills and imagination of chef, Julien Machet, give a new vitality to the recipes of our grand-mothers. The cooking is creative and modern, based on authenticity, and in 2006 received an award.

Far�on (or farci, farcement): masculine noun coming from the Latin word farcimen, stuffing. A Savoyard dish with potatoes cooked in a heavy cast iron pot. It is said that there are as many variants of the far�on recipe as there are villages.People used to compare the far�on to a haystack. After mass they used to say, �On va allo d�mashno l�farcemin.� *


Le Far�on, immeuble Kalinka -73120 La Tania � COURCHEVEL- FRANCECoordonn�es GPS : 45�25'56.56?N / 6�35'40.72?E R�servation au +33 479 088 034  -

Mibs travel


MIBS VIP TRAVEL - is a company that for 37 years has specialized in the field of tourism and has its own offices in Greece, Cyprus, Ukraine, Russia and Bulgaria.

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MIBS TRAVEL develops and organizes tours to any part of the world and individual approach to their clients. Constantly improving, we are expanding every year of tourism services and open new directions. Clear evidence of the recognition of the credibility and reliability of the MIBS TRAVEL was the appointment of our company's exclusive agent Olympic Committee to organize and conduct tours for fans and sports fans XXVIII Olympiad in Athens in the summer of 2004. Our collaboration with the Olympic Committee began in 1996, when the Olympic Games were held in Atlanta, USA.



Dear travelers,

Nous vous souhaitons la bienvenue sur les pages de "Videotours." Ici, vous pouvez en apprendre davantage sur les pays et les continents de la culture de diff�rents pays et de planifier votre voyage afin qu'elle devienne inoubliable. Nous travaillons pour vous aider � cr�er un circuit unique, o� vos r�ves ....




Cher clients

Nous vous souhaitons la bienvenue sur les pages de "Videotours�." Ici, vous pouvez en apprendre davantage sur les pays et les continents de la culture de diff�rents pays et de planifier votre voyage afin qu'elle devienne inoubliable. Nous travaillons pour vous aider � cr�er un circuit unique, o� vos r�ves deviennent r�alit�.

"Videotours� sur le march� ukrainien depuis 2002, et le monde s1990.Partnerskie avec les voyagistes, les compagnies a�riennes internationales et l'h�tel de premier plan nous permet d'offrir le meilleur qui soit sur le march� mondial. Notre �quipe est compos�e de professionnels de haut calibre avec plus touristique et �conomique et l'�ducation des dipl�mes internationaux IATA, ce qui nous permet de fournir un niveau d�cent de service. Le principe central de la soci�t� est "24 heures par jour, 365 jours par an, nous travaillons pour nos clients." Nous avons une approche individuelle de chacun: qu'il s'agisse d'un voyageur individuel ou une entreprise cliente. Nous consid�rons que tous les d�sirs personnels pour les frais de voyage, l'h�bergement, les vols, les transferts, les excursions et les autres services (restaurants, r�servation des billets pour des �v�nements sportifs ou culturels, yachts, jets priv�s, et plus encore). Nous collaborons avec de nombreuses grandes entreprises en Ukraine. Tout d'abord, nous suivons les r�gles de confidentialit�. Afin de r�pondre aux exigences de nos clients corporatifs, "Videotours" �tudier les sp�cificit�s de chaque entreprise s�par�ment, les itin�raires des voyages d'affaires, sont plus fr�quentes, conf�rences sujets, festivals, expositions, colloques, qui rassemblent nos clients. Nous livrons des billets gratuits, certificats, bons de transport et autres documents directement au bureau du client. En outre, si la situation l'exige, nous pratiquons gestionnaires de sensibilisation (notre personnel peut prendre une ordonnance et d�couvrez tous les moments forts de votre voyage directement � votre bureau de pr�server l'information d'entreprise).


Notre bureau est situ� au c�ur de Kiev - Khreschatyk. Nous vous invitons � Khreschatyk 7/11 � la charge de �Videoturs."

Alors, bienvenue, voyage commence:

Licence du Service d'�tat au Tourisme et Resorts de l'Ukraine pour les activit�s de voyagiste AB ? 392287
certificat pour le droit de vendre de l'air AA 005470



Greetings from The Elite Tourism Club �The Seventh Heaven�!

A trip is like an expensive wine. You want to enjoy it, capture every flavour and remember its light taste forever...




Greetings from The Elite Tourism Club �The Seventh Heaven�!

A trip is like an expensive wine. You want to enjoy it, capture every flavour and remember its light taste forever.

We have no restrictions when it comes to making your dreams come true! Like a skilled sommelier, we will offer you only the best, taking into account your every wish, individuality, style and fashion trends in travelling. Our professional tourism managers inspect around 500 leading hotels per year to suggest a well-tried recreation to you with confidence.

We are not simply suggesting hotels and destinations, we tell you about their history, culture, traditions and holidays. It is very important for us to make you feel comfortable anywhere in the world. Our aim is not only to organize a trip to any corner of the world, but also the feeling of your inner harmony!

Our accreditation in embassies and direct contracts with the hotels and leading airlines guarantee you the top quality support when getting your visa and best booking prices for hotels and flights.

We are glad to offer you luxury private yachts and airplanes with a reliable and professional team on board.

We care about your health. That is why we offer you a complete health check-up and services of highly qualified doctors in the best clinics of Switzerland.

You can reach the concierge service of The Elite Tourism Cub �The Seventh Heaven� any time of day and night. We will recommend exclusive places to visit and will order the best table at a restaurant or book tickets to sports events, concerts, parties or fashion weeks.

We publish the UNIQUE magazine � a monthly high-standard publication about travelling, recreation and a luxury lifestyle for our guests.

In 2009 we released �The Great Travel Book� � an exclusive collection of 185 fashionable hotels of the world. This project has no analogs in Ukraine and CIS countries.

In September 2011 we published a second edition of �The Great Travel Book� and proud that 317 hotels from 50 countries joined us! The book is a unique gift for our travelers!

We are proud of many prestigious awards of The Elite Tourism Club �The Seventh Heaven�, which prove our leadership in luxury tourism business.

We invite you to visit us! With a cup of an elite tea or flavoursome coffee we will help you make your most cherished dream come true!


We wait you at this adress: Str. Darwin, 8 Sport Metro Palace ou Khreschatyk m�tro. Shelkovichnayat�l.: +380 (44) 235-53-77  -



Company "OSCAR V.E.Y.S" expresses its respect and is looking for, which we believe will be fruitful and mutually beneficial.....





Company "OSCAR V.E.Y.S" expresses its respect and is looking for, which we believe will be fruitful and mutually beneficial.

We are happy to answer all your questions and provide support and assistance when we first met with our company. Old friends and new partners, we offer exciting and mutually beneficial conditions for work. We will assist in difficult situations.

Our cooperation begins with the signing of the Agency Agreement, after the conclusion of your firm can sell our tours on these in our price lists prices and receive a commission discount inherent in the cost of tours


(044) 278-71-10; 278-46-70  -

ecole de ski